Thursday, February 7, 2008

What should first time buyers expect?

Eeeks, there's a lot going on in the market... I'll post more here in a bit, but ran across this today in the Seattle P-I real estate blog and had to post these RIGHT-ON comments from some of Aubrey Cohen's readers...

"I guess I think that housing IS affordable. We've become rich, by our own parents' standards, and expect more than maybe we should from our first, even second homes. I know the houses my parents had as their first and second homes were a lot less than what my first-time buyers will accept today."

"I think of affordable as not brand new, an older home or condo that is in good shape, but doesn't have all the flashy bells and whistles."

"Should a first-time buyer really expect to find a home in perfect condition, 2 baths, less than 5 years old, etc etc? Or should they expect to buy something decent, but that needs cosmetics?"

"Every single condo buyer I work with, gotta have a second bath. Main reason for wanting a second bedroom? To play B&B for friends and family. A second bedroom will cost you at least $25K, probably more - cheaper to put them up in a hotel when they come by!"

"Do we really need home theater at all? Geez. A whole room for arts and crafts? I always use the dining room table for that."

"My kids are buyers in their late 20's and they think my house, the home they were raised in, is "below" what they want, yet out of those same mouths come the words 'poor us, the market is soooo unaffordable.'"

"Who says it is realistic for everyone to own? At some price point it is just not possible,except with family, or partners, and there is certainly nothing wrong with that."

Okay, enough cribbing his blog and time to get some more of mine on here... more in a bit... and we'll be hearing from C-Note again as well.

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