Friday, December 7, 2007

There are things more important than real estate

It's a fitting reality check--in this season and economic quarter full of them--that my first post isn't even about real estate... while the end purpose of this blog is to provide a forum for (hopefully unique) news and views on my new profession of choice, I got a recent reminder that there are some things more important than year-over-year appreciation and absorption rates.

Please welcome my niece, Gretchen Grayce Asplund into the world... just got back from an overnight visit to meet her for the first time at my sister's place in Morgan Hill, CA, near San Jose. She was one month old on Wednesday and can already throw a mean left hook. You all know I'm not exactly the warm-and-fuzzy type when it comes to kids, but this one's a keeper.

Of course, to bring us back to the topic at hand, her arrival does underscore something we all should keep in mind as real estate consumers... you should first and foremost be in it for the long haul.

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